The socks are a cuff down fair isle and, I am working down the foot of the first sock, after which I will of course make the second sock. I had not knitted a lot of fair isle in the past, however I was very inspired to do this sock. This is my first sock design and I am so excited about it.
I am now thinking of a pair for breast cancer or donation. I have been inspired for this one by another blogger and fellow Raveler M. M is dedicated to the cause and helping out, which I like.
Diamond lace set, head band, hand warmers and scarf (to be available on Ravelry soon.)
Hundertwasser knit-a-long hand warmers, I like these a lot and have decided they are for me.
Bottoms up tea pot cozy, I will add a picture later.(don't have one yet)
This lovely purple piece is the back of my baby doll top. I am making slow progress, I add a few rows a day on this but focus more on other items, like my secret sock, yeah.
Have fabulous fiber fun.