If you are around or integrated into the fiber cult, you have heard of yarn porn, that lust of even pictures of possible additions to your stash. But my friend C. takes her lust a step further.
This past Friday January 23rd, J.W., S.D., C and I went to hear Solvieg Gustafsson speak at the Swedish American Institute in Minneapolis on Bohus Stikkning. There was a reception with a wonderful lingonberry punch, fruits, lefse roll ups, crackers with dip and wine. the wine was lovely, I preferred the punch, but C had 3 glasses of wine and justified them as one, or one and a half as the glasses were just half full. We practically drooled over the exhibit of Bohus sweaters, they are gorgeous. The color work patterns are knitted into the yokes of the sweaters, around the crown of the hat or on scarves

It was a full house for the talk, I sat near the door incase I needed to exit, which I had thought at one point I may have had to. I began to feel the tightening and stabbing pain in my lungs from the purfumes and chemicals; my inhaler helped and I made it through with a headache.
Solvieg is lovely, she explained how she went from her executive work-a-day world in a large company re-creating the dyed yarn, colors and sweaters of the Bohus region. The lovely sweaters, patterns, hats, a lovely dress and other items were facinating, and as she showed and talked about pictures of her precision dyed yarns, C. commented about it being like yarn porn, which quickly echoed from the ladies in front of us and then she made the exclaimation I had heard her make over a skein of silk yarn from India, as pictures of the dyed yarn changed and the rich dep colors were displaed on the screen in front, she said "hellooo Lover". Yup that's our C! I had a flash in my mind of some sort of intervention, but it quickly went back ito a corner of my head and hid, because seriously, how many of us would need that yarn intervention.
Apparently Solvieg knits the yokes for the sweaters she is recreating and her husband helps her out by knitting the rest of the sweater. There is quite a bit of work involved in recreating the colors, dyed yarns, patterns and then knitting the yokes, leaving her with little to no time for knitting the rest of the sweaters.
Kits were purchased before the talk, J and C said not to let them return to the gift shop for more, which did not work well, the last thing I said as they bounded back upstairs after the talk was you can't go unless you buy me something, they both said okay and I turned to Sara and said, "They won't bring us anything." We agreed on this, but when they returned, J had purchased me a lovely Green Meadow wristlet kit. J is too generous for words at times, I was quite surprised.
I worked on my Fair Isle sweater, I was at a spot of a couple rounds of one color and then some simple pattern repeats. I am gettig close to the point, where I will add the steeks for the sleeves. I am so happy with my sweater, Here is the picture from the Jameison web site.

The picture does not do the sweater justice and I am not this young and cute.
Saturday was knitting our world together at L.I's., she has had a tough week with her chemo and treatment for her cancer. I am glad to know and knit with such wonderful people, good and generouds to each other and supportive, we all need love and emotional support from time to time. Sadie and I went early to help L's husband Dave set up for guests and visit a bit before the others arrived. J.W., D., and K.P. showed up to knit. I twas a nice visit, and pleasant knitt time. We did of coulrse do some clean up before leaving and then J and I went to the Bead hive, J for beads for a pair of socks and I purchased some jump rings for stitch markers.
Today however I had a sinus headache and laid low, missing a work shop on crating your own craft book, I was very sad about missing that, but I would have been miserable there.
I have been able to get a couple tasks done around the house, including nail trim for Sadie, which was overdue.
Hope your weekend was good and all is well in your world.
Happy Stitches.