Blogging is an exploration and journey and this is my opening day on Blogger, yeah, corny. I began on 360 and decided right away it was not for me, I think I posted all of three times.
I have been knitting and crocheting for over 30 years, its hard to own a date when you don't recall the date. I was in my teens, I learned to crochet from and aunt who has sadly passed and I taught myself to knit. I like both knitting and crocheting, I just seem to knit more these days, when I started I more often crocheted.
I am looking forward to several projects that I have cued, in my living room, my sig other is not thrilled, but he accepts my illness well; he's into electronics, stereo components. I'm parring down my stash, because I feel I need to.
I recently joined ravelry and it has been awesome in helping to organize my yarn, books, magazines and needles.
I plan on talking about my knitting, crocheting, spinning and other things that meander through my days.
I learned to spin eight years ago, I stopped spinning for awhile and have recently made an attempt to spin again, I just need practice, the stuff I am producing does not look too bad.
There are a couple of house cats that live here and put up with us and I have a toy poodle named Sadie who is part of my shadow and stays close to my side.
No children, lots of nieces and nephews, five sisters and a few good friends.
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