A Great Day at Yarn Over 2009 and more
This morning KP, CF, JW and I went to Yarn Over 2009, which is being held at Hopkins Senior high School in Minnetonka. There were several vendors available, from local and not so local yarn shops. Some patterns were given away free, I purchased some clearance Louisa Harding yarn for a hat I want to make, (maybe as soon as I finish my summer lace tee); there was yarn from the March Hare, great stuff, one of our fellow knitters who used to go to sock club, maintains the Etsy store. My friend CF bout me a mug I had thought about buying, it says "knit one sip one" and "if I knit fast enough will I loose weight" a great coffee mug and a great friend. The scents of soap, cedar and perfumes were starting to get too be too much and I retreated to a seating area, where as I was getting ready to put on my whisper shawl, to combat the air conditioning, a woman came toward me and asked if I made the shawl, I did, and she recognized it as Suri Elegance yarn, for which she had created some designs, to my delight, I was meeting Sharon Winsauer, designer of among other things, The Dragon Shawl. She had just finished teaching a class on her snowflake shawl ( a pattern I have, but not the yarn), and would be soon teaching "Taming The Dragon", to go over the specialty stitches. Will have to give her a call when I finally purchase pattern and yarn for this, I have loved it from afar for a long time. Sharon has Alpacas and has an Etsy store, where she sells her wares. Lunch was at Fudruckers, CF and I split a meal, it was plenty of food. The burger was good, and it worked well, as it turns out, CF and I are kind of sympatical in our food likes and dislikes.

As posted prior to this date, I have finished my Fair Isle cardigan and have shown it over and over again to fellow knitters this past week, of course the real fianle was at knit knight when I was applauded for my efforts; a most proud momment in time. More detailed pictures were requested, so I am attempting to show just that in this post (Photography is not my forte). Happiness is a finished project or object, AKA FO. Last Saturday I began my summer project, a lace tee made with sprout cotton yarn from Classic Elite yarns, I am happy to say I am about two thirds the way to completion, my new goal is to be finished in about three days, Tuesday the 21st. Pics to come on completion of that project, of course I have a full queue of projects, so I will NOT die of boredom. Sweaters, cardigans, hats, oh my. I am working on a Blue cable and raglan Cardigan , I want to make the hat I bought the Louisa Harding yarn for, it will go fast. Socks are on my agenda, at least finishing a few pairs up that I have on needles, oh thngs to do, things to do, have to go knit now.
Happy stitches to all.
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