Sunday, March 21, 2010

A cat reincarnated as a dog?

Last Summer out cat Monika passed away, she was a cleaver and resourceful little dilute calico that liked to steal socks and make herself little nests to sleep in. At one point in time I was befuddled at how few socks I had and could not figure out where they were going; even losing them to the dryer in mass quantities did not make sense. One morning I awoke to a strange scratching sound, I opened my eyes to see Monika laying on top of the dresser pulling the sock drawer open with her little claws, she hooked a pair of socks, got it in her teeth and took off with me in hot pursuit of the sock thief, I found her nest and regained my socks.
I have not thought of that in a long time, until today. Last night I took my socks off in front of the bed, this morning I see Bella grab a sock in her mouth, I told her to stop but she ran faster, nosing the door to her kennel open to get inside with the sock. I grabbed my sock, she followed me out of the bathroom and when I turned to look at her she ran back in the kennel, I had to laugh.
Is my new puppy a reincarnation of the cat? maybe just the same soul group. Who knows but, apparently she likes socks and cares little if they are not clean.
Lesson: do not leave dirty socks by the bed, the dog will take them.

In knitting news I am several inches in to my second red cable sleeve, I am working on soul number two of the flip flop slippers and I have my Pattern works order so I can make little socks for the two sock blocker key chains I ordered. There is no further progress on the top down sweater and I will need more yarn wound for the red cable sweater. 

Bella is on the desk whining at me, I need to keep her from attacking Sadie and using her as a chew toy, because she possibly injured Sadie's ear, the vet and I are not sure; time to go play with the dogs.

Happy Stitches

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