Monday, November 30, 2009

Blank check for the president of afghanistan era is OVER!

On November 1st I wrote a commentary on fact checking, writing, talking and meeting with your elected representatives as well as how the President of Afghanistan is on the CIA payroll.
I did write to Amy Klobuchar, I have not yet heard back, however, breaking news on the stations is that the blank check to the Afghan President is done. 
I am elated, I hope that everyone that read this had written to their people and let them know how they felt about this.

Yes, he plans to ramp up temporary troops in Afghanistan, and plan to get them all out. The President is focused on a long term strategy and and solid benchmarks to reach this goal.

This is a refreshing intelligent and focused man, and I really have to say I am grateful after the last 8 years (this is my opinion and everyone is entitled to have thier opinion).

I say Kudos to stopping the Blank check! There is no solid proof that it EVER did us any good!

On the lighter side I am finishing a knitted hat and working on my many other projects.  

Happy Stitches to all

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